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Exercise…Nightwing doesn’t have a superpower, but is trained in many forms of martial arts and is a highly trained and physically fit individual. He is also extremely fit, fitness comes in several different forms including; cardiovascular fitness, muscular strength, muscular endurance, flexibility, body composition and speed.


To have cardiovascular fitness Nightwing would have a very efficient system for aerobic respiration. Aerobic respiration is exercise that uses oxygen and is used for exercise below maximum effort for longer periods of time, like long distance running.


Aerobic respiration formula:

Glucose + Oxygen -> Energy + Water + Carbon Dioxide.


To have speed and muscular endurance Nightwing would need better anaerobic respiration, this is short term energy for high intensity activity that doesn’t use oxygen, and results in muscle fatigue due to the build up of lactic acid, a by-product of anaerobic respiration. Both these systems use energy stores in the body that must then be replenished after the exercise.


Anaerobic respiration formula:

Glucose -> Energy + Lactic acid.

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